Literary Translation

Literary Translation is a profession that requires labor, knowledge, expertise and experience or even requires professionalism. In literary translation, story, novel, encyclopedia, fairy tale, poem, article can be interpreted in different ways, it is the hardest and most difficult type of translation.

It is required to know both the target and source language to be translated. In literary translation, knowing both languages is not only sufficient for translation, but both languages should be well-versed in tradition, custom, traditions, religious elements, cultural elements and even proverbs. Otherwise, the quality of literary translation will be poor.

In addition, the translator should read the work thoroughly, absorb the subject and use the technical terms in place. If the work to be translated is a poem, elements such as rhyme, repeated words should be added as much as possible. Otherwise, the harmony of the work may be impaired. In long works such as novels, the place, time, year concepts and the personal information of the author should be examined and then the translation should be translated into the target language. Working with the translation offices specialized in the field such as Pierid Translation Office provides both quality service and best service to the reader.